
 #   Report Name   Description 
1. Capricornus Individuals born in astrological sign capricornus: 22 DEC - 20 JAN 
2. Aquarius Individuals born in astrological sign aquarius: 21 JAN - 19 FEB  
3. Pisces Individuals born in astrological sign pisces: 20 FEB - 20 MAR 
4. Aries Individuals born in astrological sign aries: 21 MAR - 20 APR  
5. Taurus Individuals born in astrological sign taurus: 21 APR - 20 MAY  
6. Gemini Individuals born in astrological sign gemini: 21 MAY - 21 JUN  
7. Cancer Individuals born in astrological sign cancer: 22 JUN - 22 JUL  
8. Leo Individuals born in astrological sign leo: 23 JUL - 23 AUG  
9. Virgo Individuals born in astrological sign virgo: 24 AUG - 23 SEP  
10. Libra Individuals born in astrological sign libra: 24 SEP - 23 OCT  
11. Scorpio Individuals born in astrological sign scorpio: 24 OCT - 22 NOV 
12. Sagittarius Individuals born in astrological sign sagittarius: 23 NOV - 21 DEC  
13. Individuals: frequency of zodiacal signs  
14. Individuals, with their zodiacal sign A list of all the people with their zodiacal sign 
15. All the women in the database sorted on first name  
16. All the men in the database sorted on first name  
17. People sorted on date This gives you a list of the people born before 1500, sorted on date of birth 
18. Changed persons in the last 90 days List of the the people which changed the last 90 days, sorted on the last change date 
19. Today's Birthdays and Anniversaries  
20. This Month's Birthdays and Anniversaries  

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